Professor Yacine Rezgui is the Principal Investigator from Cardiff University on the piSCES project. His role involves leading Cardiff University¹s delivery of a fishery port energy management capability. He is a BRE (Building Research Establishment) Chair in Building Systems and Informatics. He is the Director of the BRE Trust Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Engineering. He conducts research in the following areas: Building Informatics with a focus on semantics (BIM and Ontologies) and Knowledge Management, Building and District Energy Management (with a focus on the next generation energy control systems), Catchment and Urban Water Management (including modelling, data analytics, and optimization), Resilience of the Built Environment to Natural DisasterS, and Smart Cities He is also an investigator on the following University Research Institutes: Sustainable Places Research Institute, Energy Research Institute, and Water Research Institute. He has over the last 20 years completed in the capacity of principal investigator and co-investigator over 40 research projects funded from different sources, including the European Commission and Research Council UK (RCUK). He has graduated 30+ PhD students and is currently supervising 8 PhD students. He has over 200 refereed publications in the above areas, which appeared in international journals such as IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics; Proceedings of the Royal Society A; Expert Systems with Applications; IEEE Transactions on Service Computing; and IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
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